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Create var_id and intid for variety names. A var_id is an id (here, the row number) given to a unique variety name in the raw data. For example, "Variety 1/Alias 1" would be given a var_id number. Let's say the var_id is 1. The intid is the identifier for a name that is:

  • all lowercase

  • no spaces

  • no special characters


  sep_aliases = NULL,
  alias_col = NULL,
  is_blends = FALSE



A data.frame to with a column containing variety names


A bare column name denoting the column containing varieties


A regex corresponding to the characters that are used to separate variety aliases


Bare additional column name(s) to include such as crop_type or nursery, separated by commas


A bare column name denoting the column containing aliases


A logical that specifies whether the varieties are blends. Default is FALSE


This function separates varieties and aliases and creates an intid for each. So the resulting intids for the example above are: var_id | variety | intid 1 | Variety1/Alias 1 | variety1 1 | Variety1/Alias 1 | alias1

Note: This function handles aliases passed in as a separate column or aliases in the same column as the variety name. Aliases in the same column must be detectable by a regex provided in sep_aliases. Also, currently, only sep_aliases OR alias_col can be provided. (The function is not written to handle aliases in both the variety column and a separate column.)

See also

Other match variety functions: collect_final_matches(), find_entries_raw_names()